Seasons leaders - trainers and drivers - Canadian only

Archived leaders:

202420232022 | 20212020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008

01-January-2025 to 16-February-2025 inclusive (1 start for money and wins, 35 starts minimum for URS)

Season Leaders - Drivers (Canadian Starts Only)


Travis A Cullen 517,008 (*WBSBS) Tyler J Borth 469,531 (*WBSBS) Douglas R Mcnair 444,740 (*WBSBS) James A Macdonald 422,800 (*WBSBS) Trevor S Henry 347,170 (*WBSBS) Samuel Fillion 295,851 (*LON) Austin Sorrie 285,217 (*LON) Billy J Davis Jr 262,260 (*WBSBS) Travis J Henry 241,833 (*LON) Bob Mcclure 221,880 (*WBSBS)


Philip Giesbrecht .377 (*CNMLM) James A Macdonald .356 (*WBSBS) James D Jungquist .353 (*CNMLM) Nathan K Sobey .334 (*CNMLM) Austin Sorrie .329 (*LON) Douglas R Mcnair .329 (*WBSBS) Travis A Cullen .321 (*WBSBS) Samuel Fillion .320 (*LON) Michael W Whelan .299 (*WBSBS) Colin Kelly .297 (*WBSBS)


Samuel Fillion 46 (*LON) Austin Sorrie 43 (*LON) Travis A Cullen 40 (*WBSBS) Tyler J Borth 39 (*WBSBS) Travis J Henry 34 (*LON) Douglas R Mcnair 31 (*WBSBS) James A Macdonald 29 (*WBSBS) Daryl Thiessen 27 (*LON) Philip Giesbrecht 20 (*CNMLM) Billy J Davis Jr 19 (*WBSBS)

Season Leaders - Trainers (Canadian Starts Only)


Jodie M Cullen 416,914 (*WBSBS) David L Menary 250,820 (*WBSBS) Carmen E Auciello 234,010 (*WBSBS) Robert Kyle Fellows 197,302 (*WBSBS) R Gregg Mcnair 157,262 (*WBSBS) Francis Guillemette 139,966 (*LON) Gerard Demers 127,060 (*LON) Walter J Whelan 119,545 (*WBSBS) Anthony B Beaton 112,005 (*WBSBS) Michael J Kwietniowski 94,210 (*WBSBS)


David L Menary .532 (*WBSBS) Nathan K Sobey .527 (*CNMLM) Francis Guillemette .506 (*LON) Jodie M Cullen .425 (*WBSBS) Cameron Mcqueen .354 (*LON) Garry M Merner .342 (*WBSBS) Lindsey R Kerr .320 (*LON) Raphael Bourassa .300 (*WBSBS) Rod V Boyd .288 (*WBSBS) Gerard Demers .287 (*LON) Walter J Whelan .287 (*WBSBS)


Jodie M Cullen 34 (*WBSBS) Francis Guillemette 27 (*LON) Gerard Demers 18 (*LON) David L Menary 15 (*WBSBS) Travis W Ellis 14 (*CNMLM) Carmen E Auciello 14 (*WBSBS) Mathew Howlett 13 (*CNMLM) Robert Kyle Fellows 12 (*WBSBS) Nathan K Sobey 11 (*CNMLM) Garry M Merner 10 (*WBSBS) Cameron Mcqueen 10 (*LON) Lindsey R Kerr 10 (*LON) R Gregg Mcnair 10 (*WBSBS)

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