Top Drivers at Inverness Raceway

Top Winning Drivers for the Year

January 1, 2024 Through October 27, 2024

DRIVERS                       Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UDRS
Redmond Kc Doucet             137    30    28    19      52,121    21.9    .378
Rodney Gillis                 115    28    22    15      36,678    24.3    .393
Donald B Gillis Jr             63    12    11     9      17,418    19.0    .335
Zachary D Mullins             102    11    17    20      21,600    10.8    .265
A Lewis Macdonell              57    11     6     9      13,048    19.3    .304
Keigan J Madden                53    10     1     5      10,331    18.9    .230
Monica Sutherland             115     8    19    25      22,902     7.0    .233
Ardon S Mofford                96     8    16    17      17,731     8.3    .234
Marc Campbell                  20     8     5     3      22,489    40.0    .588
Campbell H Mac Isaac           38     7     5     5      10,333    18.4    .301
Walter G Walker                15     6     3     0       5,966    40.0    .511
David J Dowling                11     5     3     2      20,732    45.5    .666
Adam Merner                    17     4     5     3      31,771    23.5    .457
Ambrose J Gillis               27     4     4     5       5,237    14.8    .292
Travis D Maclean               27     3     3     4       4,199    11.1    .222
Jason K Hughes                  8     3     3     1      20,494    37.5    .625
John Gerard Kennedy            15     3     3     0       3,247    20.0    .311
Mary Clare Macdonald           13     3     2     3      14,619    23.1    .393
Paul W Langille                13     3     2     1       9,915    23.1    .341
Andrew J Maclean               27     3     1     4       4,040    11.1    .181
Kevin J Bailey                 11     2     0     1       1,942    18.2    .212
Lawrence M Snow                 8     2     0     0       1,530    25.0    .250
John J Macdonald               26     1     4     3       3,858     3.8    .162
Myles Heffernan Sr             16     1     3     4      17,385     6.2    .250
Brodie A Mac Phee              11     1     2     3      18,507     9.1    .282
Tim Gillis                     21     1     1     1       1,872     4.8    .089
Keith M Legge                  10     1     1     1       1,416    10.0    .188
Gilles J Barrieau               2     1     1     0       9,086    50.0    .777
Andrew H Campbell               2     1     1     0       7,065    50.0    .777
Mark A Macdonell                3     1     1     0         879    33.3    .518
James H Ripley                  2     1     0     1       7,572    50.0    .666
Harold J Leblanc Jr             1     1     0     0         675   100.0   1.000
Kenneth J Macdonald             1     1     0     0       6,390   100.0   1.000
George E Rennison               1     1     0     0       5,016   100.0   1.000
Gregory W Sparling              2     1     0     0         841    50.0    .500
Alexander Mac Neil             41     0     3    10       5,352     0.0    .121
Shawn W Macdonald              13     0     2     5       2,020     0.0    .213
Damian Maclellan                3     0     2     0       2,074     0.0    .370
Jeremy Baker                    7     0     1     2         771     0.0    .174
Ryan C Campbell                 5     0     1     1       1,569     0.0    .177
Charles A Fraser               12     0     1     1       1,180     0.0    .074
Randy F Getto                   5     0     1     1         661     0.0    .177
Adam Lynk                       2     0     1     0         253     0.0    .277
Brian A Macphee                 1     0     0     1       2,508     0.0    .333
Corey W Macpherson              5     0     0     1       2,882     0.0    .066
Darren R Crowe                  1     0     0     0         300     0.0    .000
S Keith Ford                    1     0     0     0           0     0.0    .000
Donald Allan Kennedy            2     0     0     0          94     0.0    .000
John L Mac Dougall              2     0     0     0          88     0.0    .000
Bernard D Mccallum              1     0     0     0       1,444     0.0    .000

                    Last 20 Days 23/6/2024 thru 27/10/2024
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
DRIVERS                       Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UDRS
Rodney Gillis                  99    26    18    12      32,949    26.3    .404
Redmond Kc Doucet             111    23    24    15      42,782    20.7    .372
Zachary D Mullins              93    10    15    18      19,629    10.8    .261
Keigan J Madden                51     9     1     5       9,664    17.6    .220
Monica Sutherland              94     8    16    19      19,419     8.5    .247
Ardon S Mofford                86     8    13    16      16,097     9.3    .239
Donald B Gillis Jr             50     8    10     7      12,992    16.0    .317
A Lewis Macdonell              47     7     6     9      10,058    14.9    .283
Campbell H Mac Isaac           38     7     5     5      10,333    18.4    .301
Walter G Walker                15     6     3     0       5,966    40.0    .511

                    Last 15 Days 28/7/2024 thru 27/10/2024
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
DRIVERS                       Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UDRS
Rodney Gillis                  71    19    14     9      23,353    26.8    .419
Redmond Kc Doucet              82    18    21     9      34,972    22.0    .398
Keigan J Madden                43     9     1     4       8,872    20.9    .253
Zachary D Mullins              66     7    11    14      14,483    10.6    .269
Ardon S Mofford                65     6     8    12      11,894     9.2    .222
Campbell H Mac Isaac           34     6     5     5       9,701    17.6    .307
Marc Campbell                  12     5     3     1      13,368    41.7    .583
A Lewis Macdonell              34     4     6     6       7,126    11.8    .274
Donald B Gillis Jr             30     4     4     4       7,151    13.3    .251
Monica Sutherland              68     3    11    15      12,205     4.4    .207

                    Last 10 Days 28/8/2024 thru 27/10/2024
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
DRIVERS                       Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UDRS
Rodney Gillis                  49    14    10     9      18,135    28.6    .460
Redmond Kc Doucet              47    13    15     4      18,131    27.7    .482
Keigan J Madden                35     7     1     4       7,461    20.0    .253
Zachary D Mullins              49     5     9    10      10,668    10.2    .272
Ardon S Mofford                42     4     3    10       7,651     9.5    .214
A Lewis Macdonell              23     4     3     4       5,332    17.4    .304
Campbell H Mac Isaac           26     3     4     4       6,965    11.5    .252
David J Dowling                 7     3     1     2       7,056    42.9    .603
Adam Merner                     7     3     1     1      13,311    42.9    .555
Mary Clare Macdonald            6     3     0     1       6,217    50.0    .555

                    Last 5 Days 29/9/2024 thru 27/10/2024
                             Minimum of 1 start(s)
DRIVERS                       Sts   1st   2nd   3rd        $Won    Win%    UDRS
Redmond Kc Doucet              23     9     8     2      10,241    39.1    .613
Rodney Gillis                  26     8     5     8      11,279    30.8    .517
Keigan J Madden                20     5     1     0       5,103    25.0    .277
Zachary D Mullins              26     3     9     4       7,501    11.5    .358
A Lewis Macdonell              11     2     1     1       2,901    18.2    .262
Ardon S Mofford                24     2     0     8       4,407     8.3    .194
Walter G Walker                 5     1     2     0       1,940    20.0    .422
Campbell H Mac Isaac           15     1     1     4       3,778     6.7    .192
Kevin J Bailey                  5     1     0     0         810    20.0    .200
Donald B Gillis Jr              5     1     0     0         885    20.0    .200
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