2024 Seasons leaders - trainers and drivers - Canadian only

01-January-2024 to 31-December-2024 inclusive (1 start for money and wins, 265 starts minimum for URS)

Season Leaders - Drivers (Canadian Starts Only)


James A Macdonald 9,128,004 (*WBSBS) Louis-Philippe Roy 7,219,222 (*WBSBS) Douglas R Mcnair 6,125,857 (*M M) Sylvain R Filion 4,665,097 (*WBSBS) Bob Mcclure 4,610,239 (*WBSBS) Tyler J Borth 4,374,733 (*WBSBS) Jody C Jamieson 4,285,256 (*WBSBS) Trevor S Henry 3,871,489 (*WBSBS) Travis A Cullen 3,503,167 (*WBSBS) Travis J Henry 2,521,377 (*LON)


J Brandon Campbell .419 (*CNMLM) Guy Gagnon .415 (*WBSBS) Marc Campbell .406 (*CHRTN) David J Dowling .402 (*CHRTN) Pascal Berube .366 (*RIDCF) Allan G Molloy .364 (*FRD F) Philip Giesbrecht .361 (*CNMLM) Adam Merner .354 (*CHRTN) Gilles J Barrieau .353 (*CHRTN) Garrett L Rooney .350 (*LON)


James A Macdonald 430 (*WBSBS) Travis J Henry 395 (*LON) Louis-Philippe Roy 313 (*WBSBS) Travis A Cullen 309 (*WBSBS) Samuel Fillion 309 (*LON) Tyler J Borth 296 (*WBSBS) Garrett L Rooney 293 (*LON) Austin Sorrie 258 (*LON) Douglas R Mcnair 248 (*M M) Jason D Ryan 244 (*LON)

Season Leaders - Trainers (Canadian Starts Only)


Anthony B Beaton 2,877,632 (*WBSBS) Jodie M Cullen 2,520,136 (*WBSBS) Robert Kyle Fellows 2,492,199 (*WBSBS) David L Menary 2,470,249 (*WBSBS) Richard Moreau 2,445,905 (*WBSBS) R Gregg Mcnair 2,402,904 (*WBSBS) Luc Blais 2,090,746 (*FLMD) Blake C Macintosh 1,764,755 (*M M) Nick P Gallucci 1,672,489 (*WBSBS) Carmen E Auciello 1,646,210 (*WBSBS)


Guy Gagnon .434 (*WBSBS) Mandy Archer .397 (*RIDCF) Jennifer D Doyle .390 (*CHRTN) J Brandon Campbell .377 (*CNMLM) Kelly O Hoerdt .355 (*CNMLM) Cameron Mcqueen .355 (*LON) Travis W Ellis .346 (*CNMLM) Jim R Marino .345 (*FRD F) Ronald I Matheson .344 (*CHRTN) Ashley M Gamester .343 (*CHRTN)


Jodie M Cullen 241 (*WBSBS) Richard Moreau 160 (*WBSBS) Gerard Demers 147 (*LON) Robert Kyle Fellows 144 (*WBSBS) Jennifer D Doyle 113 (*CHRTN) Kelly O Hoerdt 112 (*CNMLM) Cameron Mcqueen 108 (*LON) Victor C Puddy 106 (*WBSBS) R Gregg Mcnair 102 (*WBSBS) Guy Gagnon 100 (*WBSBS)