You Asked, We Listened

An Open Letter to SC Members
National Economic Impact Survey
“You Asked – We Listened” 

Dear Member, 

As you perhaps know, Standardbred Canada (SC) owners, breeders, and trainers along with industry stakeholders (racetracks, associations, veterinarians, and suppliers) have been asked to participate in an economic survey about the Canadian horse racing industry. The results of the survey will be used to formulate a national narrative about horse racing for the Canadian government. 

The survey has been designed so Standardbred Canada has a story to tell the federal government about our industry and will help identify key messages to garner government attention and support in the future. 

This National Economic Impact Survey has been a long time coming. This is something you have been asking about for several years and SC’s Board of Directors has been adamant that the association moves forward with this initiative to build better relations with all levels of government. 

However, Standardbred Canada has taken this one step further by asking and working with the Canadian Thoroughbred Horse Society (CTHS) to join SC in conducting this first-ever horse racing economic impact survey. At Standardbred Canada, we believe it’s paramount that both national breed registries collectively work together and speak with one voice to the Canadian government. Rather than having two voices tell two different stories, we will now be able to speak with a united voice and with common goals. 

We have chosen Serecon from Edmonton, Alberta as the research company to conduct the survey who is rich in knowledge, expertise and understanding of the agriculture sector for this first-ever national horse racing study. 

But there is a catch. There always is. 

The study is only as meaningful as the input that we get from our members and stakeholders who participate. It’s like the old saying, “garbage in – garbage out”. That is why we are asking each and every one of you to please take the time to complete the survey

Also, be forewarned, the survey is going to require a bit of elbow grease on your behalf. 

The size of your business will determine the time it takes you to complete the survey. So, to prepare, please have your financials and bookwork ready, put on a pot of coffee, and find some “quiet time” when you can successfully complete this survey in its entirety. The time you put in will be invaluable to the overall success of this first-ever horse racing national economic impact study.

Thank you for your understanding, patience, and time. We look forward to sharing the results with you in the new year. 


Dan Gall 
President & CEO 
Standardbred Canada

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