Will the real Federal Flex show up on Saturday?

I don’t know if the real Federal Flex will show up in Saturday’s Hambo. I do know that the colt we saw in the elims was not the same horse we’d all marveled at in his previous races.

Things go wrong occasionally in horse racing. Horses have off days and they’re not very good at explaining why. That’s what makes a champion like Muscle Hill so amazing. When you consider all the potential pitfalls---sickness, soreness, lousy racing luck---it’s remarkable when a horse can string together so many flawless races.

I hope that the real Federal Flex shows up on Saturday, but I still don’t know if that’s going to be enough to dethrone Muscle Hill. Federal Flex is starting from the hinterlands in post nine and that means driver Jody Jamieson has several options and each one has its drawbacks. It’s an uphill climb.

I don’t think Brian Sears will try to get too cute with Muscle Hill. He’s got the rail and he’s got the best horse and ideally you’d like to have him on top. Then Sears could double-dog dare any other driver to come after him.

Of course, the drivers of horses on the outside know that Sears will want the lead and they’ll try to leave alertly and seize control, then gratefully yield to Muscle Hill in hopes of getting a dream trip on the favorite’s back.

Of course, it may not work out that way at all. I don’t think too many drivers consult journalists for strategy before a race.

If Muscle Hill controls the race and if you were driving one of the contenders, would you want to be the first to launch an attack against him? If he intimidates his pursuers long enough, Sears can slide through soft fractions and then no one will catch the big horse in the stretch.

For Federal Flex, I hope he can pick up cover early enough to carry him into a striking position. Then he’s on his own. Then we’ll know if the real Federal Flex showed up. If he does, then he’s good enough to force the issue. Otherwise, a very good colt will have picked a very bad day to be off-form.

I don’t want the race to be a yawner with the favorite leading all the way. I want to see some real racing at various points in the mile and I’d love to see Federal Flex and Muscle go head-to-head.

If the real Federal Flex shows up, it will be a real horse race.


I think Federal Flex will be fine. He was stretched out pretty good at the beginning of his last race. A softer start may lead to a stronger finish. I look for Federal Flex to finish second or third.I feel the race is really for second behind Muscle Hill. It will be exciting to see these horses go at it....good luck all.

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