It's Good To Be Home

The excitement is nearing as it’s only one day away, side bets are down between who I can't say!

It feels like the last few days of Norway again - airports and trying to make the races, I remember when I had to get back home and make it for the Molson eliminations. Only difference this time I don't have as long of a flight or customs and it’s the Battle of Waterloo to get back to but the motions are the same- get home, sleep, get up, go to airport, head to a track for another afternoon card of races then off to the airport again and get to Grand River.

But I wouldn't miss it for the world to get back home to my family and friends - the place where it all began for me - to participate in the Second Drivers Showcase is truly an honour. To give back to our sport, not only to drive but to give others the chance to discuss or just downright pick Jody Jamieson's brain!

I remember when I was boy and Jim ‘Pudge’ McDonald came to visit our track I was always interested in what he had to say, what he was doing and how he did it. He made a big impact on the choices I've made and how I drive, that was only in seeing him four or five times over 10 years. Finally, one day I got the chance to stand shoulder to shoulder with him (literally, for he too isn't much taller then one of Santa's elves).

So having this Showcase will not only be good for business today but for the future of harness racing in Newfoundland - having the likes of Jody, Luc, Scott, Mike, Todd and Guy, we’re expecting our biggest turn out since Toronto winning the Stanley Cup!

I know we may race for more money here in Ontario but the excitement level for us is by far at its highest and there’s going to be some fantastic racing. This year there will be free giveaways, face painting, pony rides, a BBQ and Greg Donahey - the list is huge so come out and join us for the day!

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